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Iron staining is a common problem in homes today. It causes orange staining on fixtures, as well as dingy clothes and sometimes can have negative effects on both hair and skin.



Sulfur is easily detected by the presence of a “rotten egg” odor and is sometimes associated with yellow staining.





By reducing the iron and sulfur buildup in your water your appliances will last longer. Rust and slime buildup make your appliances work harder and less efficiently, requiring more maintenance or replacement.

Iron and Sulfur are two of the most common elements found in nature. While both are extremely important for every day life, both are a nuisance in water and can cost you money and frustration. Iron staining is a common problem in homes today. It causes orange staining on fixtures, as well as dingy clothes and sometimes can have negative effects on both hair and skin. Sulfur is easily detected by the presence of a “rotten egg” odor, and is sometimes associated with yellow staining.  All of these problems can be eliminated with the Clear Water AIO System.
AIO Well.jpg

Professional Series AIO Control Valve


•Water use is monitored for peak efficiency


•Built in backup of settings during power outages


•Simple diagnostics and design provide for easy maintenance





Oxidation Air Pocket


•An air pocket is introduced into the top of the filter tank


•As water passes through this pocket the iron and sulfur in the water are oxidized





Exclusive Filter Media Bed


•Custom blends of media for efficient reduction of iron, sulfur and manganese





Basket Style Distribution System


•Delivers evenly distributed and high quality flows


• Optional Enpress® Vortech™ Plate Tank style distribution system, providing increased backwash efficiency using less water and saving money






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